The Importance of Health Care Professionals for Early Diagnosis
Health care professionals work on the front line. They are the first point of contact in the health care system for both people who think they may be living with dementia and their families. An early diagnosis can give the person living with the disease and their network time to put in place a strategy and adapt to their new reality. It is not just at this stage, however, that health care professionals play an important role in the lives of people living with dementia and their families: they accompany them on every step of their journey. This is why the Alzheimer Society of Montreal offers a range of educational services and trainings to nurses, respite workers, orderlies, and other health care professionals.
The Alzheimer Society of Montreal is an extension of your clinic
Discover our services and resources for health care professionals
Workshops for Health Care Professionals
After participating in these workshops, you will have a new perspective on Alzheimer’s disease and the importance of the life experiences of people living with dementia. You will also better understand changes in communication and learn strategies and interventions that you can use to meet the specific needs and improve the quality of life of people living with dementia.
Public Conferences
The Alzheimer Society of Montreal offers free conferences to groups of 15 people or more from not-for-profit organizations.* The conferences last for approximately 1 hour, including a question period. * A minimal fee is required from private organizations.
Other Accredited Trainings
In partnership with the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies, the Alzheimer Society of Montreal is proud to offer training for health care professionals.
First Link
First Link is a program that allows health care professionals to connect Montrealers living with dementia and their caregivers with the Alzheimer Society of Montreal. Once the First Link referral from has been received, the Alzheimer Society of Montreal can take the first step of contacting the client to guide them towards the appropriate resources and services in the community.

The Start of a New Life!
Person-centred care
The Alzheimer Society of Montreal advocates a person-centred approach to care. Our objective is to improve the quality of life of Montrealers living with dementia and their families by forging a relationship based upon respect and collaboration, both with caregivers and our clients living with dementia.
A person-centred approach in long-term care
The life experiences of a person living with dementia is at the heart of a person-centred approach to care. As such, it is important for the staff of long-term care centres to understand the values and preferences of the people living with dementia they care for, as well as those of their caregivers, to offer services that allow them to maintain their dignity and an optimal quality of life.
The Alzheimer Society of Montreal Supports Research!
The Alzheimer Society of Montreal, in collaboration with the Alzheimer Society of Canada, the nation’s provincial and regional Alzheimer Societies, and our partners and donors, supports the Alzheimer Society Research Program (ASRP)! Finding a cure for Alzheimer’s disease and related forms of dementia, and optimizing the care and quality of life of people living with dementia: these are the two objectives of the ASRP since 1989. Over the years, the ASRP has awarded over $53 million in grants to researchers working in the following sectors:
1. Biomedical
Studying the brain and the changes therein to find a cure or a way of preventing the development of Alzheimer’s disease and related forms of dementia.
2. Quality of Life
Studying the effects of the disease on caregivers and people living with dementia, as well as changes in behaviour and cognition, to improve the services and care provided.

Testimonial from a Health Care Professional!
“At Homecare Solutions Montreal, we see the challenges faced by caregivers in dealing with clients living with Alzheimer’s disease and related forms of dementia every day. The quality of care provided by our caregivers is directly related to their training, which is why we greatly appreciate the training programs we have organized with the Alzheimer Society of Montreal for the past four years. The training sessions provided by the Society’s instructors are in a hands-on, easy-to-learn, and take place in a fun environment. As the growth in the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease places increasing demands on the health care system, we can attest to the importance of this training to bring an acceptable quality of life to people living with dementia.”