How can my company contribute to the cause?
The Alzheimer Society of Montreal is building a community that is committed to a facing the challenges of dementia, both now and in the future. The number of people living with dementia in Canada is set to increase by 66% within the next 15 years and we must be prepared to respond to the increased demand for quality services. The support of organizations such as yours can help us achieve this goal.
But how?
Here is how your organization can become an agent for change in our engaged community: Raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease among your employees by inviting one of our speakers to your office, organize a fundraiser for the cause, match your employees donations, or make a donation yourself! For more information about your future involvement with the Alzheimer Society of Montreal, contact our team: 514-369-0800
The impact made by your donation:

A donation of $5,000 funds our telephone support line for a full month. It allows our professional counsellors to listen to clients, evaluate their needs, and guide them to the appropriate resources.

A donation of $1,000 provides all of the required materials for four weekly art therapy workshops for a full year. Our art therapy workshops provide participants with the opportunity to express themselves, enhance their well-being, and give meaning to the present moment.

A donation of $500 funds an eight-week information and support group for eight caregivers. These groups allow caregivers to access practical information and strategies to integrate into their day-to-day life and help them plan for the future.
Your business can directly contribute to the cause. But how?

Join us for MEMO!
Over 300 of Greater Montreal’s movers and shakers participated in the first edition of MEMO: an exceptional networking event at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal in support of the Alzheimer Society of Montreal. Over $ 160,000 was raised for the Alzheimer Society of Montreal to help us continue providing services to people affected by the disease and their caregivers.

Organize an Event Benefitting the Alzheimer Society of Montreal!
Your fundraising activity, whether it is sponsored or not, could be: simple, like a knit-a-thon; daring, like a bungee jump; or related to the cause, like a memory game. It is always possible to organize a fundraising event, whatever your age and level of physical fitness! Any activity or event organized for the benefit of the Alzheimer Society of Montreal must first be approved by our team.

Invite a HealthPartners spokesperon to speak at your office!
Each fall, HealthPartners conducts its yearly Entraide campaign. This united fundraising effort involves 16 national charitable organizations in the health care sector, notably the Federation of Quebec Alzheimer Societies (FQAS) of which the Alzheimer Society of Montreal is a member. The success of the Entraide campaign depends in no small part on its volunteer spokespeople who generously give of their time to spearhead the initiative. In only a few minutes, they deliver touching accounts of their experiences to small groups of employees in different work environments.

Testimonial from a Business Person!
“Over the past six years our event, “A Night to Remember,” supported by a loyal group of sponsors, guests, and volunteers, has contributed more than $250,000 to the Alzheimer Society of Montreal. It has been incredibly rewarding to see the Alzheimer Society expand and improve its services to meet the growing demand; but, unfortunately, it’s still nowhere near enough, and we believe this is just the beginning. Support the Alzheimer Society of Montreal and help spark a collective force that can offer hope for a better quality of life to all those affected by Alzheimer’s and related dementias.”