Love, share and give…
Hello! My name is Louise Normandin. I wrote this song for the Alzheimer Society of Montreal to express my helplessness in the face of Alzheimer’s disease, and to show how touched I am by every situation experienced around me. It’s my way of getting involved and giving back to the Society. I created this song to break the feeling of loneliness, so that people who have to cope with the disease for themselves or for a loved one can feel useful by making a concrete gesture.
To listen to the song, click on the triangle.
I hope you enjoy the song! And please, donate to the Alzheimer Society of Montreal so that the team can offer the best to those touched by Alzheimer’s disease.

Why volunteer at the Alzheimer Society of Montreal?
Volunteering means devoting a few hours of your free time to a worthy cause and sharing your expertise. Often, volunteering is a personal way to thank those who have helped improve the quality of life of a person with Alzheimer’s disease.
Volunteers gain a sense of well-being, self-worth, and satisfaction from the knowledge that they have directly contributed to an important project. With the help of volunteers, the Society can better serve people on the Island of Montreal who are touched by Alzheimer’s disease and related forms of dementia.
What qualities do we look for in our volunteers?
– Loyalty and sincerity.
– Trustworthiness and committment.
– Energy and optimism.
– Open-mindedness, respect, and listening skills.
Volunteer Opportunities at the Alzheimer Society of Montreal
Activity Centres
Make a difference in the lives of people living with dementia and their families through a range of stimulating activities.
Help us with the running of our annual fundraising events or organize one of your own.
Annual Fundraising Campaigns
Participate in a range of projects that help us carry out our mission.
At our Head Office or at Home
Download the volunteer form and send us your details:
By mail
4505 Notre-Dame Street West
Montreal (Quebec) H4C 1S3
By e-mail
Testimonial of a Volunteer !
“Volunteering is a form of therapy. The joy of helping others helps me too. I’m happy to wake up in the morning and am no longer haunted by the spectre of the disease. Volunteers are well treated and truly appreciated at the Society; there’s never any obligation, we do this gladly, and we always feel a sense of respect. The impacts of volunteering aren’t always obvious, but they’re real: for the Society’s clients and for us as well!”