My eldest brother, Stefano, he’s an extraordinary character

“In January 2020, my brother suddenly lost his short-term memory, and became totally dependent on me to be his memory and to work out very simple everyday things.
Dr. Doell, a physician specializing in geriatrics and internal medicine at the Montreal General Hospital diagnosed him with a neurocognitive disorder related to Alzheimer’s. Fortunately, he called the Alzheimer Society of Montreal.
They have been amazing since that first contact, offering all kinds of support.
What the Alzheimer Society of Montreal has done with homecare has been priceless!
I also had the chance to talk with Naima, a counsellor at the Alzheimer Society of Montreal. She has been a gem! These discussions with Naima are excellent support sessions for me and have given me the strength and courage to continue.
That is why I am writing this testimonial today about this wonderful organization, the Alzheimer Society of Montreal, and what it does for me, for my brother and, I am sure, for thousands of other Montrealers.”
— Clare, caregiver
Please make a donation so that the Alzheimer Society of Montreal can continue to provide in-home respite and support to Clare and her brother Stefano, as well as other people with neurocognitive disorders and their caregivers.
A $100 donation provides 2 hours of in-home respite and stimulation.